American girl Neha Gupta hasn't let some difficult health problems stop her from doing awesome work to help orphans in her parents' native land, India. Click on her name to find out more.
Nine Giraffe Heroes
In alphabetical order, the newest Giraffe Heroes are...

NINE Giraffe Heroes

A schoolteacher by trade, Henri Ladyi watched his country, the Democratic Republic of Congo, tear itself apart for decades. Now he's a fulltime peacemaker, defying constant death threats, doing all he can to stop the killing, including bringing home child soldiers-- kids who ought to be toting books, not guns.

Jemilah Mahmood is a Malaysian physician who has devoted her life to leading other health care providers into the most dangerous, desperate places in the world. In Iraq, she even took a bullet and kept on working, caring for wounded Iraqi civilians.

Nonviolent Peaceforce volunteers put themselves on the line in violent conflicts around the world, armed only with their rigorous training in non-violence and their fierce commitment to peace. This is just one of their many teams.
A mother/daughter Giraffe team-- Rosemell Ong'udi and Loyce Mbewa-Ong'udi. Rosemell, in Kenya, started taking care of AIDS orphans in her village, despite lots of reluctance from the neighbors to even talk about the problem. Loyce, in Seattle, devotes vast amounts of time to drumming up support for those kids.

Canadian teen Bilaal Rajan has become a world-wide force
since he started raising money for good causes--when he was four years old. Since then he's mobilized thousands of kids to join him in raising millions for disaster victims and for poor kids around the world.

Engineer Bert Sacks became a law-breaking humanitarian when he learned about the plight of kids in Iraq during the UN sanctions against that country. He took in precious medical supplies for the kids--nine times--and has been sued by the US government for ignoring the sanctions.

Carol Schillios, a consultant to US credit unions, founded a
nonprofit that finds girls begging on the streets of nations far
and wide, and trains them to be self-sustaining entrepreneurs.
That's probably the most relevant to Giraffe Heroes of all the great quotes we've collected. We tell these people's stories to influence others. If they can do what they're doing, there's something--large or small--that you can do. Find it. Do it.
"Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing." ~ Albert Schweitzer

Next time...
You're going to hear from me sooner rather than later. Giraffe Sushil Koirala, the center figure in this photo--
and John Graham, Director of Giraffe Heroes International, are working together in Kathmandu to launch Giraffe Heroes Nepal. I'll relay their news to you as soon as I get back from getting a busted wrist repaired. (Worst part of being one-handed: hunt & peck typing. So slow.)
The "ask"
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